Le numérique joue un rôle central dans les politiques de développement et l’argent numérique y est présenté comme un levier d’inclusion financière. Sa diffusion rapide repose sur des promesses sociotechniques héritées en partie du mouvement global de la microfinance. Proposant une approche multi-scalaire, reliant des observations ethnographiques à micro-échelle aux tendances structurelles globales, cet article offre […]
Télécharger ↓Algorithmic Credit Scoring in Vietnam: A Legal Proposal for Maximizing Benefits and Minimising Risks
Asian Journal of Law and Society, 2023, DOI: 10.1017/als.2023.6 (avec Jodi Gardner)
Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are transforming the credit market around the world. Algorithmic credit scoring (ACS) is increasingly used to assess borrowers’ creditworthiness, using technology to glean non-traditional data from smartphones and analyze them through machine-learning algorithms. These processes promise efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness compared with traditional credit scoring. However, this technology raises […]
Télécharger ↓Visualizing Debt and Credit in Hồ Chí Minh City: A Photographic Approach.”
Journal Vietnamese Studies, 2021, 16(1): 158-178
While conducting research on debt in the lives of sex workers in Hồ Chí Minh City, I stumbled upon an ad a moneylender had glued to a wall. It revealed that financialization was thriving in Vietnam, and more specifically that credit was rapidly expanding and colonizing the urban landscape. Photography became a tool to visually […]
Télécharger ↓Debt, Trafficking and Safe Migration: The Brokered Mobility of Vietnamese Sex Workers to Singapore
Geoforum, 2020, 137: 164-173
In popular thinking, debt evokes notions of vulnerability and bondage, while irregular migration for sex work conjures up the hazards of human trafficking and modern slavery. These perceptions inform ‘safe migration’ policies aimed at ordering and regulating migration and combating informality to increase migrants’ safety and well-being; the assumption being that illegality puts migrants at […]
Télécharger ↓Relational Work and Careers of Intimacy: Rethinking the Cultural Interpretation of the Sex Trade in Vietnam
The Sociological Review, 2020, 68(6), 1307–1321
Cultural interpretations of the sex trade are pervasive in Southeast Asia, in particular, the argument that daughters enrol in sex work to repay a debt of life and support their parents. While useful to illuminate the role of culture in shaping economic action, this narrative carries the risk of viewing people as robots guided by […]
Télécharger ↓Extramarital Relationships in the Vietnamese Migrant Community in Laos
Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2019, 22(3): 261-274 (avec Tam Nguyen)
Undocumented migration from Central Vietnam to Laos stretches Vietnamese families and generates marital tensions and social anxieties around the extramarital relationships that migrant hus bands establish with v ợ hau (second wives), an emic term that encompasses mistresses and more stable partners. This paper sheds light on these processes via an ethnographic study on how […]
Télécharger ↓Treading Water: Street Sex Workers Negotiating Frantic Presents and Speculative Futures in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Time & Society, 2018, 28(2): 804-827
Ti Structural conditions shape the temporalities that govern the lives of street sex workers operating in Châu Đốc, a small town in Southern Vietnam. These women live each day as they come and make decisions based on quick returns and the management of daily needs, prioritizing short-term solutions over planning for the future. The ethnographic study of the multiple temporalities that […]
Télécharger ↓The Contested Legacies of the Anthropology of Debt Bondage in Southeast Asia: Indebtedness in the Vietnamese Sex Sector
American Anthropologist, 2018, 120(4): 671-683
Le paradigme l’esclavage moderne promeut des analogies avec la traite transatlantique, des Blanches et indigène. L’analogie que certains chercheurs proposent pour décrire la servitude pour dettes hier et aujourd’hui en Asie du Sud-Est conduit à envisager l’hypothèse selon laquelle les dettes contractées par les prostituées vietnamiennes auprès de prêteurs, proxénètes et intermédiaires de la migration […]
Télécharger ↓Social Structure, Relationships and Reproduction in Quasi-Family Networks: Brokering Circular Migration of Vietnamese Sex Workers to Singapore
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2017, 45(9): 1631-1649
This article proposes an ethnographic examination of the inner workings of unsanctioned informal networks that facilitate the circular migration and labour of Vietnamese sex workers to Singapore. These operations are coordinated by brokers who sell migration services to their clients. I conceptualise them as ‘quasifamily networks’ because kinship bonds, the fact that brokers (‘mothers’) and […]
Télécharger ↓Informal Credit in Vietnam
Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 2014, 31(1): 147-154
A NeceThe state of knowledge about finance and credit in Vietnam remains fragmentary despite the interest that economists have shown in the topic over the past fifteen years. This paper explores why informal finance continues to enjoy great popularity among rural households despite its high price and risks in Southern Vietnam. This research note examines […]
Télécharger ↓L’exploitation de la sexualité des femmes par leur famille au Vietnam: Financer les chocs exogènes et le crédit informel
Autrepart, 2014, 66: 133-152
Cet article examine l’intrication entre choc exogène, crédit informel et exploitation de la sexualité des femmes par leur famille au Viêt Nam. La recherche sur la prostitution défend la thèse causale selon laquelle la pauvreté et l’endettement des ménages mènent à la prostitution des femmes. Or, les travaux définissent rarement le concept, en outre les ménages visés […]
Télécharger ↓Commodified Sexuality and Mother-Daughter: Power Dynamics in the Mekong Delta
Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 2012, 7(1): 149-180
This essay explores how the family commodifies the sexuality and emotional labor of the daughter for the interests of the family. The case study presented above illustrates the ways in which a commodified sexual economy occurs in the context of an indebted and economically vulnerable household in An Giang Province (Mekong Delta, southern Vietnam). In […]
Télécharger ↓La victime mise en scène: Représenter le traffic à des fins d’exploitation sexuelle
Migrations et Société, 2009, 21(126): 127-141 / Revista de antropología social, 2009, 18: 297-316 / T. Zheng (ed.). Anti-Trafficking, Human Rights, and Social Justice. New York: Routledge, pp: 134-149
Cet article prend pour objet l’exploitation sexuelle infantile en Asie du Sud-Est en analysant la représentation victimisante et fortement émotive du mineur vendu pour la prostitution. La construction sociale dont fait l’objet ce phénomène depuis le début des années 1990 est le résultat d’une stratégie réfléchie de la part des organisations non gouvernementales et des […]
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